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January 5th, 2011 - Board Meeting Minutes

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January 5th, 2011 - Board Meeting Minutes Empty January 5th, 2011 - Board Meeting Minutes

Post by Admin Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:28 pm

SAAPA Board Meeting
05 January 2011

Attended by: President: Craig Fordem, Vice-President: Matty O’Toole, Treasurer: Paul Huggins, Secretary: Milly Huggins and board members: Toby Thorpe, Jay Lawrence, Harry Ruhsam, Scott Smith, Reba Ludlow, Denise Snodgrass and Past President: Michael Slingluff.

President: Thanks everyone that voted with confidence in him being President. The goal for this year is trying to get more people involved and more fun things for first Friday and Saturday meetings too. We will be posting the board and Saturday minutes on the website for the members to view. It will be on the forum side which members can leave comments or talked about what is going on with the club. We need to discuss the little clubhouse as to keep it or not. We are right now renting it on a month basis. Reba will start a committee and give a report back to us on whether to keep clubhouse or not. This Saturday will have more choices of snack and other beverage of tea, hot chocolate, and juice. We will have the table out in the meeting room to make it more comfortable. We will be doing different things on First Friday too. We need to set up committees for clean up and set up for our socials. We don’t want to burden Galaxy people as it takes away from their jobs that they are suppose to be doing. We have enough members to do this.

Treasurer: $5800.00 current balance in checking. We have not paid for the whole year on the little clubhouse. The monthly rent for the clubhouse is $127 and for the Multi use building board room is $255. Galaxy owes us $520.00 from the credit cards that was used to purchases WWII tickets. We will be sending our invoices for dues this week which is still $40.00. The insurance needs to be paid in April sometime. Scholarships money is not included in the dues as it’s a separate contribution that will be on your invoice that you will be receiving.

Airport Liaison: It’s a new day out there being off the tax rolls. Airport Authority is struggling in finding revenue. We have the nameless park and maybe SAAPA can get involved with that and worth talking about. The Community owns this airport. It’s one of the nicest airport anywhere compared to others as its very well maintained and great amenities. The Inter module has not decided on the site of where it will be. In Tallahassee the funding got side track but the Airport Authority is still pushing as this way we will be ready for it when it does happen. We spoke of Elliott one of our members starting up a flying club. He wants to head it up. He will be passing a survey around at the Saturday meeting to see if enough members would like it then we can forward with it.

Excursions: Palatka is having a fly in this Saturday with lots of planes. It starts about 8:30 am to about 3pm. Keystone has the same day fly in. The 8th Air force Museum in Savannah would be a great fly out maybe for February. The posting of Saturday fly outs is on the website.

Communications: The website will be stream lined this week. We are working with Matt from Capstone Labs. We are making sure we are duplicating any work. The update of the new boards members are on the website.

Memberships: We will be sending out a welcome letter letting the new members know how to access the website for emails, the code for the little clubhouse and a little history of the airport.

Programs: We will be having two Mig fighter pilots gearing up on one another. We have Eugene (Yubin) from Russia and Dale Snodgrass (Snort) from our airport. It should be a great program.

Socials: We will have Italian night with Pizza and side dishes for First Friday. The First Friday in February will be our First Social. We will have the Heavy Metal Jet team of L-39. The will be practicing that weekend. We will be having Steak with all the trimmings. It will be held in Area 51 and if not at the old Skybus terminal. We would asked members to bring desserts.

Posts : 475
Join date : 2009-10-11

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